Sunday, August 19, 2007

A deep notion yet no one can fathom it enough to explain briefly.

Complicated but that is really where the fun starts.
It's like a treasure hunt. Keeps linking you to the next clue.

That is how valuable life is cos the search is hard. It gets harder each time we find another clue.

The complexity of the subject lies in the complexity of so many human beings existing in this world. When so many other factors co-existing in Life is subjective here and now.

How do we compare life today to 50 years, a century or even a millenium ago?

I understood a few things from Lovie today, enlightening me in many ways. As times are drawing tough for us, we yearn to see the brighter days, sharing the happiness, joy and excitement like we used to.

The only thing that binds us now is our love.
The only thing that resolves matters is his thousands of dollars spent on calling me.

As reaching the peak to happiness is getting more and more treacherous, I will pass the same advise I pass to everyone.

We both are.

And I am praying that we both don't lose it along the way where currently all emotions are rolled into one.
Love, eagerness, excitement. And there are also pressure & stress.

Me and Lovie have been playing a balancing act. Not just to our relationship. But also trying to accommodate to two parties.

Especially when it comes to jaga hati the BAKAL mertua-s and our own family.

It is really tough when the two mothers are more excited than their children. A lot of which are usually what the mothers want.
Sometimes, I do shake my head and laugh or get so stressed up till I cry but I know my mom wants the best for me and Lovie's mom wants the best for him.

So simplicity is out of the question.
As much as I am really trying very hard to make it as small as possible, I am afraid my dreams will be crushed either by one party or both.

As standpoints differ, me and Lovie end up speaking on our mothers' behalf.
At the end of the day, we hope to please everyone, which is hard but let us see how it goes.

There are really a lot of things going in my life now.
Same goes for Lovie.

I remember a month back I was asking for a promotion and had my qualifications, work demand & quality and an vacant seat to justify my request.

I ended up disappointed.

This was the second time I was rejected for promotion. In my working career of course. But my drive to move vertically kept me going. I had the support of a few avenues. Through that search, I turned down another department.

Still, I kept going with work and I was still enjoying what I am doing even when there are more on my plate.
I kept staying focus and of course there were tips from Daddy and Lovie to keep me going from day to day.

A month later, my luck changed. Alhamdulillah.
Though my team is not big, insya allah it will be bigger hopefully in about 4 more months.

Lovie asked,"Are you ready?"
Yes I am though it took me a while for reality to sink in my head, to finally comprehend the responsibility and demand I need to uphold very soon.

Mom cried. Dad congratulated. Lovie got excited until I told him that die-die must stay in Singapore.

It seems far from a modest entry.
But I have been wanting to prove something for a long time.
It is a tough life in the world we live in. Judgements, paradigms and perspectives are a norm.
I broke through them - finally

It took me 16.5 months in IBM to be where I am today. Another challenge starts only to prove that there is room continue moving up.

This is what I have been dreaming to prove.
That there are minorities who can succeed, even though it is harder for them. Never give up the fight.
It doesn't matter if you do not dress like the norm. That you do not wear short skirts or low cut tops.

If you can't get to it. Get around it.

Though I know it is not a promotion to be a CEO, but Malays should really start proving the society that they too can be affluent.

Like what I shared with Lovie, it is only with our Malay-speaking society that we hear phrases like,"Pakcik Gatal","Makcik Kaypo","Mat drug","Minah kahwin-kahwin","Mat motor", "Minah Skudai"(opps!)
Think about it

Anyway, the weekdays were fun lunching with Ein

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Ketuk dad again to have Swensens only to eat Prawn Porridge

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Gym on my off day of which my back, torso, abdominal, backside and thighs are aching like hell.
A session of Yoga followed by ABT(abs, butt, thighs). An hour each.
ABT was menyeksakan. You can even hear the muscular guys groaning in pain.
But I am hoping to be in the mood of gym again.

Tonight, had dinner with Bik Tina who is here for 3 mths after which she is back to Spain.
To date, I lost 5.5kg. I got so excited that I treated myself to bubble tea, fish soup and then Big Mac Meal & hot mocha today. *gleam*
After that, dont dare to go on the weighing scale again.
*tee hee*

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I let the ladies talk while I did what I had to do

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Its late & Lovie is asleep.
I open another Baci chocolate only eager to see what it says inside..

"Let us enjoy our love as long as we may"

I smiled, knowing that the day would be wonderful.
It was.

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