Thursday, July 19, 2007

Since there are so many things around me, I keep missing out a lot of things.

I keep forgetting what I wanted to blog.

Anyway, Lovie told me 2 weeks prior to my birthday (15th May) that he had ordered me something.
But the thing about this cute fella is that kadang dia nak suspen-kan orang but in the end he kenot tahan

My birthday came, my gift didnt come.

Then he came by Singapore remember?
Takder gift..

I went down KL remember?
Habuk pun tak nampak!

Until I questioned interrogated him, whether he bought me a gift.

Tunggu peh tunggu

I said kadang dia nak suspen-kan orang but in the end he kenot tahan remember?
So he said the brand starts with the letter 'P'

Me and so many of my friends were brainstorming like crazy.
Knowing me, the only thing i can think of is PRADA
Melampau kan?

Prior to my Bangkok trip, the package arrived.

I got myself a Blackberry Pearl 8100.

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I squealed and thank him profusely and ignoring him for a while admiring the phone!!


Then me being me, and knowing me, I said,"Aper plak ni start with the letter 'P'?"

He said,"Cos the name is Pearl. Blackberry Pearl"

"Huh? Cakap la 'B'..biar I ingat Burberry's ker.."


Yes love, very stylish and classy.

I had a hard time using the phone initially.
Sms techniques and design were different. Cos it is a qwerty board but 2 alphabets on 1 button.
Then the mic was too good that Lovie keep saying I am shouting at him

And Lovie complains how come it takes me about 15 mins to reply to 1 sms.
Sumpah so susah ok!!

But now I got the hang of it.
Took me 2 weeks now to still slowly get hold of it

No.. I have yet to read manuals
Anything I ask Lovie. He is my IT-Man. Haha!
I have not downloaded the software to my Thinkpad.
Waiting for him to do it for me.. Hahaha!

He got me a rubber cover which costs me about 20 bucks. But again, me being me, and knowing me, I stopped using the cover after 4 days!


Yes I am so far spoilt. By you. But I have never been more happy.
Thank you. I love you.

Agrh... mushy giler... *faint*

Thank you to my baby doll who sealed my day nicely with a Harry Potter movie.
This episode seems a little short doesnt it?
2hrs 15 mins?

Despite the cold cold cinema, I will never get enough of Harry Potter and I felt like the show was over in no time!

My favourite character?
Prof Dumbledore

Sexiest Character?
Prof Snape
I love an old man, looking young with deep voice.

Lovie, you would be like him.
Only rounder and a hole in the center.
Cos you are my donut!

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