Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I miss my colleague. She is on maternity now.
It was really touching when we exchange our "missing you" notes on MSN cos she and me aren't really the soft sappy type really.

But I do miss you Asmira!
Gawd did I dream about you. That is how much I miss the times I spent with you ok.

Come back office soon!
The Lorong misses you a lot too!

Her delivery was such wrong timing!
I was not in Singapore most times and I was too busy to call her.
call me a friend, but I do think and talk abt her a lot.

Here is the gorgeous newborn.
Adra Yvessenia

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When I saw the photo, I squealed!!!

I was like,"Asmiraaaaaaaa cantiknyer anak kau!! Putih macam kau!! Tak sia sia kau minum soya bean sampai nak muntah"


I cant wait to see her & Adra. Her baby's things are sitting in my house collecting dust.

Dok, qualified tak jadi Godmother?


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