Sunday, June 10, 2007

It was a midnight show on Saturday.
Pirates of the Carribean

I didnt watch the first and second screening.
I wasn't even keen on this third screening but the ladies wanted to watch them so I relented. With me paying for the tickets that it - haha!

This was us prior to the movie

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And in the theatre

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Dearest was so sweet-as per normal. He called me just to tell me how the story flowed from Part 1.

I end up spending most of my time analysing the whole show. At this point of time, I would love to watch the show again as there are many catchphrases that I did not managed to catch.

The cinematography is brillant.
The flow of the show is very fantastic.

Johnny Depp was first class.
The way he reacted. The way he thought. The lines he said. The character(s) he protrayed.

I learnt one thing during the show.

That in life, people are always protecting their own interests. And to do that, they start trading with the rest & people arounf them just to keep their interests safe at heart.

Then I finally understood what Dearest had been trying to make me learn.
Trade-offs and balance.

Life is never all too good. Neither is it all too bad. It is a balance and to have one thing, you need to trade it off with something else to create that balance.

It may seem that my life is picking up right now especially when my life turned hell in Feb till recently.

I do sit back and think that probably that was my trade-off

But it is still not all that beautiful for me now. There are still things that me and Dearest are trading off.

One thing for sure, I want to grow old with this man. There are many reasons why I fall for him, over and over again, despite him being 12 yrs older than me & staying in KL.

Call me a gold-digger.
Doubt me loving him.
Doubt me taking care of him. (I think this is quite ok to doubt cos he will be taking care of me more than I will of him) - wahahaha!

Doubt him for believing in me too much
Doubt him for trusting me
Doubt him for making the right choice.

Whatever it is, we both made a choice.
Reasons are not for anybody to fathom. I wouldnt blame anyone if they cant understand them

Me and Dearest welcome anyone wholeheartedly and with arms wide open with whom wants to share the joy with us. Seriously. But should they be thinking of tearing down whatever we have built, think again.

We already have walls between and around us, yet standing strong. At this age, we won't let anything/anyone get in our way. It is sufficient for us to be have each other's parents blessings & support. More than sufficient.

See, whenever I choose a guy to date, I would put intelligence in the top priority, though there are retards that I used to date too.

But I needed someone more intelligent than me. More exposed to the world out there.
See things in a wider perspective than I do.
Economics, medical, sports, IT, finance.
In short, my walking newspaper-cum-Times & Newsweek magazine

Dearest fits the bill.
We have even agreed that we are going to spend a lot of time having a healthy communication. Intelligent analytical talks.
I love that.
And yes, I am very proud of him. Very. The pride I have for him beams on my face.

I never prioritise on the looks to determine whether or not he qualifies as my life partner. Looks fade. Mine will. If it doesn't, it must be the facelift/botox/lipo.

Gold digger?
I take it as givings from God with blessings.
Well, its indeed a bonus.

Yes he will be wearing the skirt and me wearing the pants. Don't penalise me because he trust and regards my views & opinions seriously.

There will be times when I need to wear the skirt. I will hate it cos those are going to be the moments where I have to be more of a lady.

Dearest had told me briefly told what is expected out of me. I do drag them. But he said I will learn to enjoy.
General Functions, Ladies' functions.
Functions, functions and more functions.
See the trade off now?

Now there are going to be times when both of us would reach out for the same pair of pants.
Probably all hells will break loose
But it is still going to be us loving each other very much at the end of the day

Cheesy kan. I know.. cos some people do have a problem with that.

Like I care?
I NEVER EVER EVER trouble anyone with my life. Except for Efni and people whom I really call friends.

I will always remember what my dad told me.
It stays in my head:
"Orang ingat diorang masih muda. Tengah muda ni masih kuat. tak ingat belakang hari. Nanti bila dah tua, dah kena penyakit, takder orang jaga, baru diorang kesal masa zaman muda"

When he said that many years back, I was more careful of what I said. I refused to comment about other people's lives, afraid it will eventually bestow on me.

But when it comes to strangers/anyone who tries to destroy MY territory, I will stand up and fight and declare war.
Despite my mouth can do wonders, so can the rest.

I understood why they say ,"Love conquers all"
I finally found out the meaning of love; love in general - family, friends, spouse/partners

Did you?

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