Thursday, May 24, 2007

I was so exhausted last night.
My work can really take its toll..
And being home, it is not simple either cos I always have to do a little housekeeping here and there

Running to the laptop frequently cos Girlfriend is on the other line dropping a chat message

During dinner I found out that we are going to KL during the Vesak Day Holiday!

Yes, in Singapore, apparently Vesak Day Hol falls on 31 May. Thursday.

I didn't know whether to feel excited or happy.

*tee hee*

I would be so near youuuuuuu...

But I'm not sure if we would be able to meet up.
I am praying so!

I'm still trying to get that Friday's leave approved. It's going to be a long weekend. So there might just be tons of us taking leave.

But i seriously miss KL.Its been a looong time since i've been there
(5 months is long isn't it!!)
The food! The shopping!
These 2 things i can die for!!

Here is another thing.

Prior to Girlfriend's arrival, I went to the supermarket with mom, getting some baking ingredients.

Then I told her that Girlfriend wants me to bake a cake for him.
I thought of doing so.
Took my favourite cake mix, definitely with loads of chocolates, and walked around the supermarket.

20 mins later...

I went back to the cake section and placed it back on the shelves...

I seriously kenot be bothered.

I do not want to be cleaning up the kitchen again. Finding the right utensils to use.
I do not even know what utensils to use in the first place

I can't stand the heat from the oven on my face

I am always afraid i might burn my fingers/arm in the oven

I am scared of pulling the heated tray. I will always have to cushion it with many many many layers of cloth

I don't know why. So tak expert.

So yesterday, after dinner, mom said,"Intan, pergi bikin tu cake chocolate"

Me: Huh? Skarang? Mak bikin ah.. Intan tolong kemas

She insisted me doing it. I didnt even know when she bought it!
She even said,"Nanti mak ajar"

No choice.

Minutes later she came to the kitchen and began teaching me...

Teach me how to measure a cup
How to use the cake mixer
How much to fill the aluminium whatever-you-call-it

Then my mom said,"Kan senang.. besok kau boleh kasi kawan kerja. Then you can say kau yang bikin

She was very helpful. Helped me cleared the kitchen as well..

I thought it stopped there.

Then she said,"Ok besok bikin butter cake"

*wide eye*

Here was almost the end product

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Cupcakes and cakes!!

I did try it though. With Smucker's Choc Fudge
ooooooooooooo Heaven!

All your fault!


And you might be wondering why Girlfriend fell for a young girl woman who cant even bake a cake.

I can't cook for nuts either
I will never dare to eat even my own cooking

I hate to iron though i iron my own clothes.
Hate the sweat

I can only clean. Spick and Span.
That's it.

So why me Girlfriend?


Many wonder... Don't you think we both do?
At least I do.

But I have my mind set.

Girlfriend, you must be crazy falling for a girl like me. Singaporean. Younger. Quite unpolished compared to you. In fact, everything of the opposite.

But you know what?
Since you met me, I became a different me and you became a different you, yet found out that we are complements of each other.

How amazing life can be...

I am seeing life differently now and I am happy for the change. I honestly am.

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It's just a day since you left.
Yet it seemed so long

0 sent me a message:

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