Anyway, a month back, i proposed to Boss to have a department breakfast meet.
The last time we had it when i was under my first team lead.
She's always so on with these kinda of things
Since she left, things have been less organised.
But I had my reasons to proposed the breakfast as well.
Of course the proposal was accepted
And i was organising and arranging the entire thing.
With the help of the Finance manager buying for us Nasi Lemak and Otak-otak
And i got the help of good ol' Faridah to help me buy the food in the morning.
It would be so hirok pikok if i were to do it all alone.
Can you imagine.. with the laptop bag, handbag, umbrella and loads and loads of heavy plastic bags!
Breakfast meet was at 10am.
8.25am i was stretching in bed, whining and so lazy to get out of bed.
Sempat kacau si kecik tur
The body is so ever tired lately.
But i knew I had to get up.
In fact I had promised Faridah to meet her at the Eunos market at 8.30am
Haiyah, now it is so simple as to just wear baby powder and blusher to work.
I was out of the house by 8.50am
Sempat duduk kat pasar tur ha.. minum teh o limau nipis
Yes a hot drink... which i actually let it cool down before drinking it.
Took the cab past 9.30am and then was in office by 9.45am.
Set up my Thinkpad and headed to the meeting room to prepare the breakfast.
Again, it was me and Faridah.
Close to 30 people attended the makan makan
Here were the spread of food.
And there is Faridah at the background doing the final touches.
Me and these 3 other ladies were the most kecoh in the room.
Actually Faridah isn't kecoh la.. it's just that she is with us.
So i told my good ol' & new teammate(since i transitioned to the team), Rommel to take a photo of us.
It turned out horrible!
Rommel was sitting with my camera and he said.
"Say "Sex!""
I was like,"Huh? what?"
And the rest of the girls were so shocked!
Guess what he said next??
"No i don't like cheese.. I prefer sex"
*smack forehead*
Oh God! Rommelllllllll!!!
Ok so how was breakfast??
Here was the menu
Nasi Lemak
Roti John
Sardine Puff
Curry Puff
As per normal, I am always the last one eating.
Cos i will be indulging in the spread and really take my own sweet time and eat.
Eat a lot.
I ate all in the menu in large amounts except for Samosa
Rommel said,"Wah! So clean ah!"
Not a single bits and pieces left.Licin!
Rohani,"Wah it is good to know that you are getting your apetite back"
And Girlfriend told me to stop eating.
Ok, i admit. That was exaggerating.
*hung head*
But Girlfriend said i should curb my food.
Cos the tummy is showing AGAIN
And i should be looking fat.
If only she was here, I swear i will pull her panties and give her a wedgie!
Quick! Book a flight nowwwwww!
Anyway, my desk after the breakfast was so messy
Till i went back home
I wasnt bothered to clear up the place until i left.
Food all over!
p/s: My darling lil' Hui re-signed her contract.
Gawd! I am so relieved!
p/s2: Sanjaya is out. Though I admit he isn't the best.. but he should be out so soon. Phil should be out. I'm going to burn that guy's toupee.
I'm still so sore abt the whole thing
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