Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I remember the times when i sang
"I feel the earth move under my feet"
Wah lau!
That is soooo 80's ok!

Today Singapore felt tremors from the earthquake at Sumatra
And being the normal me,

Even pebbles called me saying that there was an announcement made to evacuate the school
My HR dept send out a mail to warn IBM-ers in case of any future evacuations
And I DIDNT KNOW?!?!?!

But i wonder how the situation is like out there for the Indonesians
I feel for them.
Flimsy-built houses
Poor sanitation
It must be terrible.

Not much to say today.

It was all about work.
Super-duper busy.

I am currently broken
Why does it seem that when i try to pick up the pieces, something's coming in the way.


whatever I have was never enough ....
I always wanted more in life...
Somehow I ended up losing my footsteps halfway across

Then I try getting other people to fill up the void in my life ...
These are the people around u ...
They give more to me but still something is missing

I was searching for an answer ...
What is that that I want ...
Something familiar something close to u that u can almost feel it
But I don't know what


Somebody spoke for me about me to me..
*word for word*

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