Friday, December 15, 2006

The weekends are here...

I have my cousin's wedding to attend tomorrow.
I drag going to weddings.
Cos you eat all the fatty stuffs and plaster a smile on your face.
Not a very fantastic scenario isnt it?

Probably people at this point of time might just quit asking me when is my turn
*thank god*
Aiyahhhhh... this kinda things no need to ask one la..
When I feeling feeling nak kahwin, then you all will see the kad jemputan.
Till then dont waste your breath.

My arms are aching.
It was my first day at California Fitness yesterday.
Yes.. mom made me sign up and for me to do that, she paid my gym membership fee of almost $300 for the next 3 months. Subsequently kena bayar sendiri lah!
My other 2 siblings get the privilege too..
I think I got the privilege due to them cos both not working so my mom had to pay for them
And she in turn had to pay for me cos she had to be fair to her children

It was like ouh my god! yesterday in the gym cos they take our body measurements
And pinching away my fats, measuring how much fats i have.
In which one of the personal trainers accidentally said,"Fuh!"
*raise eyebrow*

But gym is going to be addictive once you start doing it.

I'm going to see how far I am going to go with this.
And I have my own personal trainer. Qualified some more.

No other than my baby. I will let you have that again!

But this personal trainer is going to be scared of me.
He knows that if he push me any further, I might just...
I might just scream or cry
Life of a spoilt brat.
I know you are soooo scareeeeeeeeeeeeeeed of me


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