I was wondering why a lot of ladies (or even men) make a big deal of being a flying crew.
Ok there are truly nasty episodes of public calling them the flying waiter and waitresses.
I wanted to be a 'air-hostess', like that our older generation still calls it.
I wanted to be that at 8, not knowing the nasty politics when they are on the flight or off flight.
The dirty reality that happens in rooms.
It happens and I am not kidding.
When my husband was selected to be a cadet pilot, I was already on my toes like nobody's business.
Alhamdulillah with berkat doa and our sincere intentions to start a family, he left ([dun ask me how] without having to pay his bond) and here we are building that family we have been planning.
For the past two days, I mentioned,"It is ok if you want to be a pilot. I don't know how it feels like but if that is freedom to you then you should go for it."
"I have left and have far dropped the idea. But I would love to fly my own plane."
Big dreams. Maybe too ambitious but it is a start to something, whether big or small.
I smiled. To me, it means quality family time and getting to sleep with my husband on the same bed everyday.
It doesn't matter if we need to work hard to save up and fly for a holiday.
It doesn't matter if he cannot fly his own plane.
I gave up the idea of being a flying crew when I was in university.
I knew I wanted to be in the corporate world. Then again, I have never once mentioned to anyone that I am the Exective so-and-so or a whatever-Manager.
It should not matter, unless I am in the corporate client events or meetings.
First people will ask,"Mana kau kerja?"
Then they will ask,"Kau kerja apa?"
Everyone will be guessing my salary and how come my work schedules are pretty flexible.
To me, I am just happy to be pampering the people I love with whatever income I get.
Never forget to give the needy. The berkah of such, Masya Allah.
There will always be an enough dollar for you to give and somehow find another dollar for you to spend.
I cannot explain how!
Many crews get free rides till they get sick of it - that they cannot wait to finish up their bond.
Dad would say,"Work hard, find the money and enjoy travelling because it is a holiday. Not work."
I am not with intention of belittling those who have their career as a flying crew. It is always an individual choice.
I would have to lived with it if my husband was to be a pilot.
I just wonder why in our society, especially parents are always proud when their children gets to be a flying crew (macam jadi doctor) and find it an embarassment when they do not qualify.
Isn't there more to life than flying?
Try flying high instead and then the success maybe tastes sweeter.
Don't you think?
I like the 'mcm doctor' paragraph. My late father always told his daughters to not do waitressing jobs, be it in the air, land or sea. Nothing glam about it cos you have clean after vomits and toilets after the passengers. You also get groped on and harassed by drunken men too.
ReplyDeleteThen I read your entry about missing your dad. I cried cos that was how I felt weeks after my dad's passing.
My warmest hug for you my dear.
Love, me
Dear me,
DeleteIt really is not a pleasant job at the end of the day. So many crew are bullied by their seniors. It happens in our day jobs too.. but at the end of the day we go back to our family. not a cold hotel room.
It is just different.
My dad has always been a major part of me. I have yet to find the nerves to write about him in the blog. His passing made me a different person altogether.
Thank you for your kind words.
Writing as 'anonymous' is a lot of fun. The real reason for being one is cos I don't know how else to post on your blog. I've never blogged anyways. Nevertheless, I'm your ardent follower.
ReplyDeleteLet me introduce myself. I am ...
Bik Kas lah! Cakk! *hug*
*hugs* i didnt know that you are my ardent follower.
DeleteNever thought these entries will reach you :)
Actually I've not been getting replies from any that I'm following. I'm beginning to think that I'm inept in this Twitter networking.
ReplyDeleteBut I like it that I can rant and swear with nobody questioning my integrity.
Sleep well sweetie. Today's your mom's b/day. Hope all goes well.