Had a nightmare (literally cos it was a night flight) on the way back. Us being us, we boarded the plane on time, ie the last few ones to be boarding and went to our designated seats.
See, we bought our tickets online and had picked out our seats at the same time.
2 window seats and 1 aisle seat.
When we came by, I saw a mother and probably a 3-year-old girl seated at my place. But before we could tell the mother that her daughter had taken my place, the mother, who is Malay spoke to me in English.
"Can we switch seats?"
Like hello!!!
She had taken my seat in the first place. And FYI, she was travelling in a huge group seated closely together, so why can't she switch seats among themselves.
With my seat at 20A, I asked her,"What are we switching with?"
Dengan sardine-nya she said,"My seat is at 19F"
Do you think she soooooooo tak mintak nak kena pelangkong?
I am not motherly and neither do I have motherly-instincts but I did feel for the child, even though the mother was supposed to be seated with her child at 19C and 19D.
So the best I could do was to tell their group who was seated three-in-a-row to shift one seat down so that I can be nearer to mom and lil' sis.
Apparently, THAT didn't make her very happy.
Even after the flight, you CAN'T even hear her whisper a THANK YOU!
She should thank her child for the fact that she was given birth, else she can sooo kiss my seat goodbye.
I shared this story with Mon and she shared me another from her KL trip she made over the weekend.
One night, she was in a cab
Upon reaching their destination, which they were staying at Concorde, the cab driver said,"Malam pukul 10, tempat ni selalu jam. Ah orang datang minum arak"
"Ah a ah" Mon replied.
And the cab driver asked,"Tau tak aper tu neraka?"
"Tau la"
He wanted to continue but the girls were heading out of the cab.
Guess what?
Taxi meter read 7 ringgit but he asked for 10.
I was seriously laughing my arse off when she told me on the way to work.
As she said,"Ader hati nak cakap pasal neraka. Abis kalau dah tipu tu tak masuk neraka ah!"
This is the best part.
She said,"Aku rasa dia orang PAS"
So here were the pics I managed to take during the trip. Apparently, so few cos we were so busy buying things and there was only so much we can manage with 2 hands.

Ok here's another one.
I finally lavished myself on a Swarovski-like bracelet on my last day in Jakarta. That was the most expensive item I bought there.
I picked and choose the pearls, crystals and bling-bling to my taste.
Being so excited I wore it right away and GUESS WHAT?!?!?
Going back, I couldn't hold my pee any longer that I had to use the toilet at the airport which is probably the dirtiest airport toilet I have ever been.
I slung my huge handbag at the back of the toilet door and I heard like what-I-thought-was-my-crystal, fell.
Well....It did!
The crystal was apparently not fastened tight enough that it went into the toilet bowl.
While holding my pee, I contemplated of digging my hands in to retrieve the crystal. But because I was afraid I could not find the same one back in Singapore, I DUG MY HANDS TWICE INTO THE TOILET BOWL BECAUSE THE FIRST TIME IT SLIPPED!
I was uttering "shit" all the way and at the same time apologising to my mom because I don't say such things in front of her.
Anyway, after my business, I soaped my hand thrice and sanitised it twice. Still so paranoid, I asked my dad,"Dad, do you think my hands are clean?"
"Did you soap your hands?"
"Yes, three times."
"Do you soap you hands after you berak?"
"Did you think it was clean?"
Thanks for the help.
Anyway, I got over it when I woke up in the morning.
Now I am thinking of unpacking and where to store my things.
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