Nothing beats seeing the whole family all smiles and laughter.
The only thing I didnt enjoy was the food.
Not that the spread was horrible. But I am back on my pills again.
So I basically had 3 courses - which is sooo not me!
But it is worth it especially when Hari Raya is coming pretty soon.
That is when women flaunts their figures and colours (be it on the faces or their clothes)
I was planning to look gaudy this coming raya. But gave it up for something really simple.
I am not even planning to doll up a whole lot more.
I have not been actually for the past 3 years so it doesn't really matter.
House is done. Except for my room - again
*double sigh*
I'm already falling sick due to exhaustion.
I'm just afraid I would knock out on Hari Raya itself.
So anyway here were me and lil sis' camera-indulging sessions.
Me in my own world in Carousel
note: This is what happens when food isn't entertaining you enough!
Me and lil sis
The 3 little
Urmmmm... bro, you not so little anymore you know.
Mama bear & Papa bear & middle-child syndrome bear.
Do we look like our daddy who pampers us a lil' bit too much?
Do we look like our mommy whose elegance, anak pompuan dier satu pun tak ikut?
You decide..
Then after dinner it was our bro layan posing with us & the ever-so-sweet daddy always being the cameraman to his 2 daughters
And the ever-so-loving-couple who always makes it happen. Their love has always inspired me.
Thanks Mom & Dad!!
Dinner was fantastic!
Here's to another Birthday Girl!!!
We shall wait for fasting mth to be over and off we go gorge ourselves with 'mother' ok.
Its just a few more days to be over
Right now, I am missing Lovie like crazy. He's been down with a flu & has been resting in bed.
We have not talked much over the phone for the past few days cos of my kepala angin, followed by his kepala angin (ni semua cabaran! Dugaan betol!),then he got sick.
I insisted he should rest more cos it is sucky to be going down with a flu.
I pray he gets well soon. Real soon to be in time for Raya.
Invitations are slowly going out.. Mine's done cos I am only inviting 4 very close friends
*wide smile*
The rest, mom will invite them when we do our visitings during Raya. Meaning, only the 'Generals' are invited.
Alhamdulillah, the numbers are kept small. There will be about 30 people attending. 12 from Lovie's side. Having a smaller function would give me a lot of time to interact with my guests.
Finer details to be up soon when mom finalises them. She's kinda cool about the whole thing and I m stressing up! Urgh!
I'm just missing Lovie terribly.
Get well soon honey.
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