Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I felt like puking after lunch...
Must be the fish

Layan kan Efni la ni
Feeling feeling nak makan ikan
Plus we were heading to have lunch at the airport..

And i was forced to eat.
Saying that i need the energy today.

I feel like going to the toilet and puking out whatever I had eaten for lunch.

Its been a long time since me and Hui took photos of ourselves.

Here is us. Making up for the photos that we have not taken for a long time.

And while waiting for Efni to come, they were busy picking out their food.

And while waiting for the food to come, i was getting good leg massages

Then the superstar's plane landed. She was SO LATE.
hmmmmm Lupa kot.. artis per
The min she walked in to Fish & Co, i realised that me and her matched

Here is me and my other team mates. The ladies who will comfort me at ALL times.

Here was my lunch..

And here was left.

Here is the collation of me and Ef tak habis-habis amik gambar
*thanks doll for the edit!*
p/s: Hui mentioned -> See ah what will happen when Efni comes.

You're right.. here is the edit!

Thank you ladies for the laughter. I had really good ones.

At IBM, Sarip was trying to take pics of me and Ef together.
I thought it is IN IBM buildings that we cant take photos unless you wear a red security band.

Guess what happen??

The security guard shouted from the sliding door
"Hey MAT MAT MAT.. tak leh amik gambar!

Sarip turned to us and said,"Dia panggil aku MAT?"


When we were to return to our offices, Efni had to go to the other exit.

Now you guess what SHE did!

She said it so loud,"Ok bye MAT & MINAH"

Dengar dengar skarang kat IBM I dah jadi minah, sarip jadi mat.
But me and Sarip couldnt help burst out laughing.

Kesian security guard tur...

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